The Rebuild


A slideshow of photos showing the foundation rebuild

Picking up in June 2020 and spanning to November 10th of 2020, this gallery gives a small glimpse into the grueling work of building the foundation. Knowing the steps that still had to happen before winter, there was no chance for down time. Every day after work was a chance to make small progress; every Saturday and Sunday were full-on 12-hour plus workdays. I couldn't have done it without a strong support system and lots of help on critical days. Thanks for looking, and check out the captions for more details!

Click play to get it started, or just navigate through at your own pace.

Apologies if captions are cut off.  I’m working to shorten the longest ones. You’ll see the most on a computer.

First story floor system

A slideshow of photos showing the first floor framing

This gallery only spans one week in November of 2020, but all the previous hard work and planning was finally coming together. Over a year beyond when we thought we would be at this stage, we were finally able to start framing. Thanks for looking, and check out the captions for more details!

Click play to get it started, or just navigate through at your own pace.

Apologies if captions are cut off.  I’m working to shorten the longest ones. You’ll see the most on a computer.

First story walls

A slideshow of photos showing the first story wall framing

This gallery starts in the last week of September, 2023. After a long pause in the action due to the world shutting down, material prices quadrupling, and starting my own business with my good friend Ben, we were excited to finally pick up where we left off.
Photos will be loaded as soon as possible to keep up with progress. Thanks for your patience! In the meantime, click the text below for a timelapse video of the progress from 9/23/2023 through 10/6/2023.

It will start automatically, but you can pause it if you want to see more detail.  Also, there is no sound yet. Thanks for looking!